The joint Baltic Sea Research and Development Programme (BONUS Art. 185, 2010-2020)BONUS Art. 185 ran in 2010-2020, following its piloting phase and 16 BONUS+ projects implemented in years 2008-2011. BONUS Art. 185 issued five competitive calls and funded 48 projects. It was funded jointly by the national research funding institutions in the eight EU member states around the Baltic Sea and the European Union for a total of EUR 100 million. Russia participated in BONUS through bilateral agreements.The BONUS programme and its legacy has served as the basis in development of the framework for a joint Baltic and North Sea Research and Innovation Programme (BANOS) prepared in years 2018-2021 in the Baltic and North Sea Coordination and Support Action (BANOS CSA). Until December 2026 some key BONUS information remains on this web page for ease of access, information and use. The BONUS European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) managed BONUS Art. 185 programme in years 2010-20. The Secretariat office closed on 31 December 2021. Please contact your respective BONUS consortium member for further information requests regarding the BONUS action. |

Key BONUS information
BONUS Strategic research agenda 2011–2017, update 2014 (BONUS Publication No. 14)
Portfolio of the BONUS research and innovation projects, January 2021 (incl. Viable ecosystem, Innovation, Sustainable ecosystem services, Blue Baltic and Synthesis projects)
Outcomes of BONUS Blue Baltic call (BONUS briefing 33)
Outcomes of BONUS Sustainable ecosystem services call (BONUS briefing 32)
Outcomes of BONUS Viable ecosystem call (BONUS briefing 31)
BONUS-funded innovation projects (BONUS briefing 29)
BONUS interim evaluation 2014 (BONUS briefing 24)
In Brief - Start of a new chapter in the wake of BONUS (In Brief, December 2020)
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